View Encapsulation in Angular

Angular by default makes sure that the style that we write in a component will be applied only to the elements of the component. angular enforces this style encapsulation by giving the same attribute to all elements in a component. angular does this for each component by adding a different unique attribute name for each component.

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Communication Between Child/Parent Components in Angular

Angular is based on components and components have to communicate with each other. when we nesting components, we create a parent – child relationship and the most basic communication between parent and child components are property binding and event binding. with the property and event binding we can send data into the component and receive data from the component.

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Angular Built-in Directives

Directives are instructions in the DOM just like the components that are kind of instructions in the DOM but with a template.

We typically add directives with an attribute selector, but technically the selector of a directive can be configured just like the selector of a component,

In Angular we have some built in directives and they can be split into 2 categories:

  • Structural Directives: NgIf, NgSwitch and NgFor.
  • Attribute Directives: NgClass, NgStyle and NgModel.
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WordPress REST API

WordPress REST API, formerly known as the “WP-API” was released as part of WordPress Core in version 4.7, December 2016. This is changing the way we think about and work with data managed by WordPress. It separates the content of a site from its presentation in a new and more fundamental way. Before understanding what its means lets understand the concepts around this.

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WP Rig for WordPress

WP Rig is a modern WordPress starter theme and build process, bundled into one convenient package. It helps you build WordPress themes that are beautiful, great user experiences, fast and that meet the latest web and performance standards.

WP Rig is an open source WordPress community project that we can use to build advanced, progressive WordPress themes using the latest web and coding standards, performance best practices, and development tools. We write PHP, CSS, and JavaScript. WP Rig lints, optimizes, and minifies our code to make our theme and the site it runs on as fast and performant as possible.

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Build Personal Website

In this article I am going to share my thoughts, research and decisions about choosing WordPress to develop my personal blog.

When I decide to build a personal website to publish articles and tutorials about web technologies and to showcase my portfolio I had to decide with which platform I am going to build it. There are plenty of possibilities to choose from such as react, angular, Gatsby and so on. But I wanted to check out WordPress first because recently I have discovered the ”WordPress REST API”.

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